
Python Reference Code Snippets

Similar to the command cheat sheets I publish, this post will serve as a quick reference for short and simple Python code snippets I have used in prior projects.

Pretty Print JSON Output with Python

Un-formatted JSON can be very difficult to read. For example, take the following JSON:

{"key-one": "value-one", "key-two": "value-two"}

This example is simple to read because it is simple JSON, but it can quickly become un-readable with more keys, values, lists, and nesting of all those things.

To quickly transform the JSON output into a more human-readable format, pipe the JSON through the python -m json.tool command to transform what you see above into the following “pretty” JSON output:

    "key-one": "value-one",
    "key-two": "value-two"

If you want to quickly print the value of a JSON key, you can do so using the Python command with the Python code to parse the JSON passed as a string.

For example, take the following JSON:

    "key-one": "value-one",
    "key-two": "value-two"

To print the value of key-one, pipe the JSON to the following Python command:

python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin); print obj["key-one"]'

Sort IP Addresses from a File

Save and point the following Python script at a file - python input.txt - which contains a list of IP addresses with one IP address per line.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from netaddr import *
import sys

input = str(sys.argv[1])

with open(input, 'r') as file:
    ips = []
    for ip in file:
        ips += [IPAddress(ip)]

ips = sorted(ips)

for ip in ips:
    print ip

Lambda Sort Strings from a File

The Python code below was used in a unique situation where I needed to sort a text file containing hostnames with the following format:

Save and point the following Python script at a file - python input.txt - that contains a list of hostnames with one hostname per line.

import sys

input = str(sys.argv[1])

with open(input, 'r') as file:
    foo = file.readlines()

foo.sort(key = lambda x: x.split(".")[0].split("-",1)[1:])

for line in foo:
    print line.strip()

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Thanks for reading and take care.