
Fedora 18 Kickstart Profile Package Group Name Changes

• Updated May 31, 2014

Fedora 18 was released yesterday, January 15, 2013, and I immediately wanted to boot it. So, I downloaded the DVD ISO, copied my Fedora 17 Kickstart Profile to a new file, made the appropriate Fedora 18 changes to that Kickstart Profile, and kicked it off.

However, after the new anaconda installer finished formatting the disks and began the Starting package installation process, it prompted with the following:


You have specified that the group 'X Window System' should be installed.
This group does not exist. Would you like to skip this group and continue
with installation?

Please respond 'yes' or 'no':

After responding yes, the same prompt appeared for GNOME Desktop Environment.

In my Fedora 17 Kickstart Profile, I have been using the above package group names, but clearly these have been renamed in Fedora 18.

I discovered the package group names I was looking for have been changed to base-x and gnome-desktop. This is not a huge deal, but to make matters more confusing, once Fedora 18 is installed and booted, running yum grouplist shows different package group names: Basic X Window System and GNOME Desktop. Those names work when running yum groupinstall but not in the Kickstart Profile where you can only use base-x and gnome-desktop; base-x and gnome-desktop also work when running yum groupinstall.

All of the package groups and what packages they install can be found by mounting the Fedora 18 ISO, changing into the repodata directory, and opening the following file:


Here is my final Fedora 18 GNOME3 Kickstart Profile.